Blade and Lahav Technologies CY Ltd
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Blade and Lahav Technologies is a consulting company specialized in climate change, energy and carbon management. It currently holds an unmatchable service portfolio, experience and client roster: from advisory to carbon and energy investment funds to voluntary emissions compensation, Blade and Lahav Technologies CY Ltd provides the solution when energy and carbon are the challenges.

The vast experience and unique positioning of Blade and Lahav Technologies CY Ltd arises from advising, for several years, major industrials of Western and East Europe in managing of news challenges of Kyoto Protocole. More than 50 companies have selected Blade and Lahav Technologies CY Ltd as their business partner.

These companies operate in very different sectors of activity such as: Commercial and Investment Banking, Shopping Centre Management, Transportation, Electricity Production and Distribution, Pulp and Paper, Ceramics, Lime, Cement, Textiles and the Food and Beverage Sector.

In recognition of its value, Blade and Lahav Technologies CY Ltd was the consultancy company chosen for the management of the first private Roumanian carbon fund. Blade and Lahav Technologies CY Ltd expanded internationally in early 2008 on developing its activity in India and China.

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